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How To Promote Your Business Locally

Remember when consumers were told to “let your fingers do the walking” through the YellowPages to find local businesses? Those days have long since passed as local marketing trends have shifted to the internet. Unfortunately, many small businesses have not established a strong enough online presence to draw in new customers and build strong relationships with their current client base. If you have not yet taken advantages of the many local marketing opportunities that the internet affords you, it is time to reevaluate your strategy.

Here are four simple ways to boost the reaches of your local marketing by utilizing the internet.

1. Maintain a Professional Website

If your small business is not already represented by a website – start one. If your current website has been collecting cyber “dust” and has remained unchanged and unused for years – update it. Consumers are far more likely to give their business to a company that regularly updates a clean, concise, and professional looking webpage. Your page should be used to explain your services, introduce your customers to who you are and what you stand for, and provide links for current and potential clients to connect with you on other online mediums or to reach out to you for further information.

2. Manage a Blog

Blogs are best used for local marketing when they provide insightful, helpful information to consumers. In doing so, you are establishing a need – that is to say, your customers will be able to understand why they need you to provide them with services and helpful advice. This gives you credibility in your field, and enables you to build lasting relationships with your clients. By using keywords (generally these are words that you would expect consumers to type into a search engine to find companies like your own), you will become the top search result and draw in more new customers.

3. Be a Social Butterfly

Social Networking is a highly valuable local marketing tool. Nearly everyone is a member of some type of network, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Joining up with as many networking sites as possible is a great way to reach out to your customers and keep them interested in your latest promotions, products, and services. You can use these sites to generate interest, provide useful tips, and even get free advertising! For example, by offering a giveaway on your Facebook page, those who “like” a particular posting will put your name across Facebook timelines everywhere. Whenever a customer “likes” something that you say, it will show up on his or her timeline so that all of their friends can see. With an interesting enough link or post, their friends will feel compelled to look at your Facebook page and will be drawn in to do business with you.

4. Make Yourself Available

There is absolutely no point in using the internet for local marketing if you are not available to your consumers. Wherever you have established a presence for yourself online, you should have a clear way for your potential and current clients to reach you. Utilizing an appointment scheduling tool like Sester is the perfect way to allow your customers to reach out to you and set up appointments to learn more about or schedule services from your company. Setster enables your clients to reach you anytime, even when they are on the go – making you literally available 24/7!

About the author: I am the news spotter for Social Web Cafe. I am usually one person, but sometimes I am a team of people. I choose to remain anonymous and hide in the shadows (just kidding). I am here to get the work done and help Deborah with Social Web Cafe 🙂

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  • joy says:

    A business website supplemented by a blog really spells out the difference in generating leads. Thanks for raising these pointers.

  • Kristine says:

    These are straightforward and tried and tested strategies to establish the presence of any business online. Just remember to remain consistent by updating your readers on on a regular basis. Thanks for the informative read.

    • Oh, so true, Kristine, on consistency. I am not perfect, myself, but I do recall assisting someone in building up consistency and it was abandoned and the clients were still looking for it but it wasn’t there. It is sad when you watch someone succeed and abandon and lose out.

  • Kelly says:

    Making sure you promote your business locally is very important as news spread like wildfire. It wouldn’t be long until it catches the attention of a wider market.

  • Veronica says:

    Promoting your business locally is probably the more easier part. Being able to capture an audience that is close to you will prove to be beneficial in the future so hopefully expansions can be expected soon.

  • Stacey says:

    Publicizing website has various levels. Expect it to widen its network by starting in your locality. Expansion will come after and success will be within your hands soon.

  • Sandra says:

    A growing business starts from the most basic level and because of its widespread influence, touches a greater market. It is therefore very important to do the right thing at a micro level. Publicizing your business locally is definitely an excellent way to expand your business!

  • Calra says:

    Intense promotion of your business locally might be the greatest decision you’ll ever make! After all, businesses start from small things. It won’t take a lot of time until it finally bloom into something big!

  • tad3j7c says:

    Amazing! This is a definite of the extremely beneficial blogs We’ve actually appear throughout with this subject. Basically Spectacular. I am furthermore an expert with this topic so i could realize your energy.

    • joy Oct 14, 2012 @ 20:38

      A business website supplemented by a blog really spells out the difference in generating leads. Thanks for raising these pointers.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Oct 20, 2012 @ 19:46

        Thanks, Joy. Yes, I think that blog element really makes a difference.

    • Kristine Oct 16, 2012 @ 10:57

      These are straightforward and tried and tested strategies to establish the presence of any business online. Just remember to remain consistent by updating your readers on on a regular basis. Thanks for the informative read.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Oct 20, 2012 @ 19:50

        Oh, so true, Kristine, on consistency. I am not perfect, myself, but I do recall assisting someone in building up consistency and it was abandoned and the clients were still looking for it but it wasn’t there. It is sad when you watch someone succeed and abandon and lose out.

    • Kelly Oct 18, 2012 @ 0:50

      Making sure you promote your business locally is very important as news spread like wildfire. It wouldn’t be long until it catches the attention of a wider market.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Oct 20, 2012 @ 19:51

        I like that, Kelly, the wider market. Yes, aim for the small piece of pie and pretty soon, you may own the pie shop 😉

    • Veronica Oct 18, 2012 @ 3:30

      Promoting your business locally is probably the more easier part. Being able to capture an audience that is close to you will prove to be beneficial in the future so hopefully expansions can be expected soon.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Oct 20, 2012 @ 19:52

        Exactly, Veronica, capturing the audience that is close to you. The capture part is key and takes a certain knack and talent.

    • Stacey Oct 18, 2012 @ 18:33

      Publicizing website has various levels. Expect it to widen its network by starting in your locality. Expansion will come after and success will be within your hands soon.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Oct 20, 2012 @ 19:45

        Good point, Stacey, in starting local. That is a great focus and a reasonable focus, to have.

    • Sandra Oct 24, 2012 @ 1:43

      A growing business starts from the most basic level and because of its widespread influence, touches a greater market. It is therefore very important to do the right thing at a micro level. Publicizing your business locally is definitely an excellent way to expand your business!

      • Deborah E. Anderson Oct 24, 2012 @ 16:27

        Good points, Sandra. Sounds like you speak from experience 🙂

    • Calra Oct 24, 2012 @ 1:08

      Intense promotion of your business locally might be the greatest decision you’ll ever make! After all, businesses start from small things. It won’t take a lot of time until it finally bloom into something big!

      • Deborah E. Anderson Oct 24, 2012 @ 16:27

        Good point, Calra, that all business do start from small. Very encouraging for people to remember that!

    • tad3j7c May 30, 2013 @ 23:06

      Amazing! This is a definite of the extremely beneficial blogs We’ve actually appear throughout with this subject. Basically Spectacular. I am furthermore an expert with this topic so i could realize your energy.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Jun 27, 2013 @ 3:00

        Hello there. Would love if you share some of your tips on how to promote, locally. What methods and techniques do you use?
