Home Engaging Content Creation Blogging Blog Sponsorship: The Surprising Reasons Why You Should Include It

Blog Sponsorship: The Surprising Reasons Why You Should Include It

If you were to research the topic of blog monetization, you are likely to find blog sponsorship on that list. Granted, it is probably not the first on the list. I mean, it isn’t like everyone who starts a blog has some sort of goal of monetization, let alone the specific one of blog sponsorship.

Blogging Reasons and Goals

There are different reasons why people choose to become bloggers.

Some fall into it accidentally. The blogger label happens as if by accident after they have been writing for awhile. Others were writing even before the word, “blog,” was created. Yes, there is a time when blogs were not the central focal point of the internet!

Then, there is another group of people who chose the blogging lifestyle for what blogging had to offer them. And, among those reasons, we can find some diversity (differences).

How about these reasons. Do you see yourself in any of these?

  • Positioning yourself as a Subject Matter Expert (SME);
  • Showcasing one’s writing skill (or another skills);
  • An opportunity to express and release their creativity to the world;
  • An opportunity to connect and network with others;
  • The sheer joy or fun of it all!

While “monetization” is not on the above list, there are those who may choose that blogging lifestyle for that reason. Though, generally speaking, from the conversations I have had with other writers, that usually is somewhere in the afterthought category and a part of asking oneself who to pay all those fees (i.e. domain, hosting, etc.) to keep one’s blog going!

And, speaking of monetization, you will want to ensure your blog is ready to make money, like using a program such as ”

Learning to Blog and make money! with Blog Income Recovery.


” and ensuring that you are getting the traffic, with another program by the same people, ” SEO for your Blog! Bundle: Easy On-Page SEO + Easy Backlinks for SEO and also, add to that, the implementation of the concepts in DotComSecrets at amazon.com (affiliate). I've used these and can personally recommend it! ” (affiliate links).

Blog Sponsorship

The definition of “blog sponsorship” is an interesting one.

I can include the provision of money (which is what we are primarily addressing here), or it can even include an exchange of benefits such as advertising or promotion of your site.

The idea here is that you (and your sponsor) are choosing what is most beneficial to each of you and then deciding of that agreement works for both of you.

Here are some examples:

  • Write advertorial posts/reviews about the Sponsor’s products and post on your blog (just be sure to indicate that it is sponsored content!).
  • Including a banner advertisement pointing to the sponsor’s products or services in exchange for a monthly advertising fee (classic advertising).
  • Exclusive sponsorship which is a case where a sponsor pays more money to become the “Sponsored by” company in that niche. This should cost more because they are obtaining more attention than you are, with your site.

Knowing What We Don’t Know

Sometimes, we are actually participating in blog sponsorships and do not even realize it. Don’t let the phrase “blog sponsorship” or other phrases like “blog sponsorship opportunities” or “blog sponsorship rates” confuse you and make you think you don’t know what it is when possibly you know what it is and are already doing it!

Sometimes you have questions like “How do I prepare a blog sponsorship proposal?” or “How much do blog sponsors pay?” or even “Where do I find the blog sponsorship websites?” Fortunately, we will cover that in the total of ten articles on blog sponsorship. You can also view a listing of all of the articles on blog sponsorship at once.

Other topics to look forward to is a discussion of how to deal with companies that sponsor bloggers and finding that sponsorship match made in heaven. Another topic is how to get sponsored posts for your blog.

Benefits of Incorporating Blog Sponsorship

We mentioned that sometimes blog sponsorship does not have anything to do with money and could be an exchange (or something similar).

On example is a travel or conference sponsorship or blog sponsorship packages. I had one of these earlier this year when I was asked to speak on a topic related to education. I contacted a company that was in the online education niche to ask about sponsoring the costs of the travel to the conference. There was no conference fee because I was one of the selected speakers. So, even though there wasn’t profit, there was exposure as an SME, which is huge. And, no cost (or no major costs) because of a conference sponsorship exchange.

In the cases of exchanges for this like this, ensure that you have calculated your blogger rate card (we will cover this in more detail in a future post).

In other words, you should determine what your rates are, as well as your rates, so to speak, for exchanges.

Understanding that Negotiation as a Part of the Process

After you have calculated what you need, the actual terms of the agreement are handled in a case-by-case situation, using your foundational definitions to keep you focused.

To give you a preview, sometimes these case-by-case terms include future sponsored blog posts, as well as social media posts while attending the event or conference. Sometimes there are opportunities to participate in things like press events, tours of brand headquarters, exclusive blogger activities, and more.

Define your blogger rate card before negotiating your blog sponsorship deal.
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Did you know that even access to review items is considered a sponsorship opportunity? See, it isn’t just about the exclusive sponsorship opportunities. There are many sponsored blog post opportunities that exist in everyday life as a blogger!

Does this all sound confusing? Remember that you have the option to ask for my assistance (

Have you been a bit lost in your business (or personal life)? Fortunately, Deborah is an I/O Psychology Expert and is here to help you figure out just that, the balance between the home and the work - work/life balance, that is!

So, go sign up for the no-obligation 15 min consultation to get the ball rolling today!
). 😉

Things to Consider

There are things to consider when it comes to blog sponsorship.

Examples include:

  • obtaining blog sponsors;
  • ensuring that they are quality opportunities;
  • negotiating the terms of the agreement;
  • providing value to your readers, in the midst of a sponsorship.

Rule of Thumb:
Choose those sponsorships which are in agreement with your brand. If you start veering away from your brand quality, ethics, and reputation, it will seem like an advertising site, and your content will not be worth anything.

Relevancy is Essential

If you can find quality blog sponsorship opportunities, there is at least one more aspect to consider. That is, ensure that those sponsorships are relevant to your blog niche/topic before moving forward.

Blog sponsorships should be relevant to your niche to be of value.
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By making sure that your sponsorships are relevant (related to your niche), you are more likely to continue to satisfy your readers. This is critical. At no point is the definition of blog sponsorship the trashing of your readership. Your readers are the reason that you exist, so don’t forget to keep their needs in mind.

Blog Sponsorship That Happens While You are Sleeping

If you can take all of these considerations and balance them out, you will eventually be able to relax and even sleep! Your success can happen while you are sleeping or watching your favorite Netflix movie.

However, it is no secret that it takes some work, time, and some diligence to get to that point. It does require dedication. There is also some maintenance that is involved, but if you plan it well, you can minimize that amount of time and effort. (Have I mentioned that I am an efficiency addict? It is the doing of everything in a manner that is the most effective use of time and energy, in my personal/professional life. 🙂 )

When you can correctly set this up, you may earn some income and opportunities, as well as SME distinction… Yes, while you are sleeping!

Brand Awareness That Results From Action

Keep in mind that your brand awareness, which includes cognitively remembering your audience, results from taking action.

At the same time, taking actions or not taking actions influences brand awareness. So, as an example, ensure that in your blog sponsorship excitement, that you do not have too many sidebar ads. This is distracting and can cause your readership to become disinterested.

Also, communication is important. Ensure that you are representing that your blog is high quality by communicating well and often enough, with your sponsors and advertisers. You do not want to harass them, but you also want to ensure you are not ignoring them.

This communication aspect includes ensuring that you understand the terms. You know your terms, but have you read the fine print of their terms? Keep in mind that you may have an organized view of the world, but not everything is always communicated well by others. So, ensure that you have asked the right questions, etc. But, fortunately, we will be talking about all of these things in our future articles on blog sponsorship.

The Five Reasons for Blog Sponsorship

So, what are those five reasons? How about this for starters. And, if you percolate a little on the concept of blog sponsorship, I’m sure that you will be able to add to this list:

  • Success with a Higher-Than-Normal ROI (minimal effort for maximum return);
  • Time-Saving (and minimal time loss);
  • Brand Awareness;
  • Additional Income Stream;
  • Networking and Connecting.

While some of those items are the above list are not necessarily surprising, there is likely a few that were not the first that you thought of, when defining blog sponsorship. Either way, it is a worthwhile list to consider (and stay tuned for more articles on the topic, here on SocialWebCafe.com!).

Don’t forget that there is more to life than just the money-making (or opportunity-making) sponsorships. You also need to consider your content and the maintenance of your blog. Fortunately, we have resources available for those who need to hire a writer or get help with the technology (bias toward our own services 🙂 ).


If we are a blogger, we had some sort of reasons for being here. But, regardless of that reason, at some point, we cross paths with the idea of monetization.

We may be concerned that we are covering blog expenses (to keep it going), or we simply would like another income stream.

Regardless of the reason, blog sponsorship is a type of monetization that deserves a little of our attention (or a lot of our attention!).

So, are you ready to put some time into implementing blog sponsorship for your blog? All it takes, to start out, is taking that first step. So, let’s do it!

You may also listen at Deborah E, Jazz Singer

About the author: Deborah is the “secret” SEO ninja and internet marketer from the very beginning (and sought after by the legendary Corey Rudl, and other industry pioneering greats). For more information about Deborah (aka Deborah E), visit the “About” page.

Comments on this entry are closed.

  • Rahul Bedi says:

    This is a great piece of information on Blog Sponsorship. Sponsoring not only helps you in earning some extra bucks but also help a blogger in developing the sense of belongingness with brands and vice-versa. There are a lot of people which became an influencer of their space only because of the connection with the brands.
    Thank you for sharing it with us, Really helpful

  • Hmm, how do you negotiate with sponsors that want you to write about a certain topic and include their products but don’t want to actually pay you or give you a product to review?

    • Good question, Heather!

      I am probably “too nice,” and I shouldn’t say that. Shhhhh…

      Well, if it is a sponsored post, you don’t really have to write about it if you have no interest in the product and you are not receiving anything in the exchange as far as the quid pro quo aspect of it. I tend to really lean on the side of only writing about products I like and would promote regardless of incentives or sponsorship and then note that it is sponsorship if that is the case.

      [Note: It is possible that in some of the older posts, there are some notations of sponsorship missing, accidentally.]

  • Laurie Floyd says:

    This is some great information! Going to have to read and re-read and figure out how to make some of these ideas work for me. Good tips! Thanks!

  • I have been working hard on creating a blog that people would like to sponsor. I think I have made a lot steps forward but still need to do a lot more work.

  • Liz Mays says:

    This is a really good write-up of some of what people should think about when considering blog sponsorship. Learning to negotiate might take some practice but it’s a very important part of the process.

  • Milena says:

    You touched on some very important points here. Right now I’m finding that I want to stay as close to my brand as possible, so I’m being careful what opps I take on.

    • And that is very important, too, Milena. Thank you for pointing that out to everyone reading this. Yes, one should be careful about what opps one represents. -Deborah

  • Keikilani says:

    I love working with sponsors on my blog! I am working on finding more ways to reach out to sponsors and negotiate.

  • This is such an informative post. You have a lot of really great points. I wish I had this post as a resource when I started blogging.

  • Definitely always disclose! You need an honest relationship with your audience. Great post!

  • Alicia says:

    This is a great post. I definitely second the making relationships with brands / companies / firms. That is important to do. I work with multiple companies and firms throughout the year.

    • And, if we can focus on it being relationships, I think that will help, especially for those of us who thrive on relationships. Thank you, Alicia. -Deborah

  • Jasmine says:

    As long as sponsored opps are organic and blend in with your voice/content. I do quite a few but only with brands I truly like

  • Emalia says:

    i want to say that i do not like sponsorship because i have faced many problems so i hate it.thanks

  • Blog sponsorship is also a monetization strategy. But the truth is, you must have enough traffic and audience engagement before you can get your first sponsor

  • Sunny says:

    Hey Deborah,
    This is really a very informative post with concise explanation. I have loved two things that you described about blog sponsorship facts – Brand awareness and relevance. Relevance is the topmost thing that most of the bloggers should understand and Brand awareness has no alternative. These are the facts that should be remembered always.

    Anyway, overall a great post with many resources. keep it up ma’am.


  • Mike Marko says:

    What I loved the most about reading this article is that it isn’t just rich but it also precise. Looking forward to reading more! Thanks.

  • Don says:

    This is some good advice and a monetization method I haven’t explored.

  • Syed Zain says:

    Very beautifully you define here about the blog sponsorship, Your writing skill just force me to made an comment here as an compliment. Between, I would add here some blogger main interest to join blogging is an additional source of income.

  • Praveen says:

    One of the finest and precise article to read today. Keep writing and posting!

  • Apollos says:

    You did a nice job, Deborah. Blog sponsorship hasn’t come across my mind as a way of monetization. This opportunity is perfect for a niche that doesn’t have much affiliate product to promote. I just launched my real estate blog today, and to be honest, I’ve done some research on monetization of real estate blogs. The result wasn’t encouraging. I did proceed anyway with the hope of finding something later and here you just pointed out a brilliant idea. I’m going to learn more about blog sponsorship.
    From your explanation on blog sponsorship, I like to appreciate the fact that you advise bloggers to engage in sponsorship that relates to their niche. I couldn’t agree more with you on that. There are numerous benefits for both parties if bloggers stick to this advice. For the part of the blogger, he keeps his readers” interest and the conversion rate will be high because this form of advertisement although subtle, will yield a good result.
    Thanks for inspiring this idea in me.

  • Shri Vinayak says:

    very informative .. thanks for sharing this with us.

  • Raman Sharma says:

    Its really amazing blog with very much helpful information, thank you so much for writing this great blog here for us.

  • Chenden says:

    Thank you for this article. Although this article is spot on, I think it is going to be more for established and somehow popular blogs. Most companies might be reluctant to take on this kind of exchange. And then there is the issue of selecting a blogger rate for the exchange. If I’m going to do this, I’ll have to set aside some time from my schedule to plan things out.

  • Shabir says:

    Hi Deborah,
    A very exciting post on blog sponsorship. A very new topic for me. Enjoyed every bit of it.
    ~Shabir Hussain

    • Thanks, Shabir! I appreciate the feedback and glad the article was helpful, especially to where you are at right now in your blogging journey.

  • Ankit bhoj says:

    Deborah Anderson

    nice post for small blogger i i read your some content very nice please share more content related seo i will waiting your next post.

    • Thank you, Ankit. I will try to write more about SEO. Taking a bit of a break for education but will be back and with a passion 🙂 -Deborah

  • hpo says:

    nice information about sponsorship surprising reasons

  • noman says:

    I like your content ideas. I love It.

  • queryexpress says:

    This is such an informative post. You have a lot of really great points. I wish I had this post as a resource when I started blogging.

  • Ahmad says:

    Really nice tips for me keep it up dude

  • sita says:

    Thanks for this information. I want write blog to my services but I don’t know how to write and how to start…..thank you so much for this informative post

  • FitSkinCo says:

    Really nice article! I will share it to my friends

  • Junaid Ahmed says:

    Amazing content. Love the way you write. Found it very useful.

  • ahsan says:

    Hi Deborah,
    An Extremely helping and very exciting post on blog sponsorship. A very new topic for me. I Realy impress with it.
    Thanks a lot

  • Pankaj singh says:

    Blog sponsorship .. Interesting topic and insights .Thank you

  • Such an informational and helpful post it is. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this valuable piece of information with us.

  • great post sweetheart, i like it and i wanna say thanks you.

  • Interesting read. How do you research your ideas and how do you get you inspiration for each Blog?

  • Tyre Dealer says:

    Hi Deborah,
    A very exciting post on blog sponsorship. A very new topic for me. Enjoyed every bit of it.

  • Shantel says:

    Thank you for this article, I’m new to blogging and I’m a little overwhelmed so I never considered sponsors, but I like what you said about making money in my sleep or watch Netflix. That’s a sobering thought. Also, great advice about staying true to my brand so I can keep my integrity.

    • Shantel, I’m glad that it seems to have gotten you thinking. And, I agree with you (obviously) about the aspect of integrity. That is very important to me, as you can tell in the article. -Deborah

  • Thanks for sharing this content. I am applying every concept explained.

    • Rahul Bedi Jul 4, 2017 @ 1:05

      This is a great piece of information on Blog Sponsorship. Sponsoring not only helps you in earning some extra bucks but also help a blogger in developing the sense of belongingness with brands and vice-versa. There are a lot of people which became an influencer of their space only because of the connection with the brands.
      Thank you for sharing it with us, Really helpful

    • Heather Lawrence Jul 17, 2017 @ 8:30

      Hmm, how do you negotiate with sponsors that want you to write about a certain topic and include their products but don’t want to actually pay you or give you a product to review?

      • Deborah Anderson Jul 17, 2017 @ 9:44

        Good question, Heather!

        I am probably “too nice,” and I shouldn’t say that. Shhhhh…

        Well, if it is a sponsored post, you don’t really have to write about it if you have no interest in the product and you are not receiving anything in the exchange as far as the quid pro quo aspect of it. I tend to really lean on the side of only writing about products I like and would promote regardless of incentives or sponsorship and then note that it is sponsorship if that is the case.

        [Note: It is possible that in some of the older posts, there are some notations of sponsorship missing, accidentally.]

    • Laurie Floyd Jul 17, 2017 @ 9:24

      This is some great information! Going to have to read and re-read and figure out how to make some of these ideas work for me. Good tips! Thanks!

      • Deborah Anderson Jul 17, 2017 @ 10:09

        Great to hear, Laurie! I hope you find the tips to work well! 🙂 -Deborah

    • Rebecca Bryant Jul 17, 2017 @ 13:45

      I have been working hard on creating a blog that people would like to sponsor. I think I have made a lot steps forward but still need to do a lot more work.

      • Deborah Anderson Jul 7, 2017 @ 14:19

        Oh, I heard ya, Rebecca! I wish you well and I believe you will be able to reach that goal!

    • Liz Mays Jul 17, 2017 @ 14:05

      This is a really good write-up of some of what people should think about when considering blog sponsorship. Learning to negotiate might take some practice but it’s a very important part of the process.

    • Milena Jul 17, 2017 @ 14:25

      You touched on some very important points here. Right now I’m finding that I want to stay as close to my brand as possible, so I’m being careful what opps I take on.

      • Deborah Anderson Jul 17, 2017 @ 15:13

        And that is very important, too, Milena. Thank you for pointing that out to everyone reading this. Yes, one should be careful about what opps one represents. -Deborah

    • Keikilani Jul 17, 2017 @ 18:44

      I love working with sponsors on my blog! I am working on finding more ways to reach out to sponsors and negotiate.

      • Deborah Anderson Jul 17, 2017 @ 19:26

        That is great, Keikilani! Please come back and share those tips when you figure them out 🙂 -Deborah

    • Brandi Crawford Jul 17, 2017 @ 18:51

      This is such an informative post. You have a lot of really great points. I wish I had this post as a resource when I started blogging.

      • Deborah Anderson Jul 17, 2017 @ 19:40

        Hello, Brandi. Thank you for the kind words. You are welcome to use this post as a resource anytime. -Deborah

    • Kristin Cheuvront Jul 17, 2017 @ 19:06

      Definitely always disclose! You need an honest relationship with your audience. Great post!

    • Alicia Jul 18, 2017 @ 10:33

      This is a great post. I definitely second the making relationships with brands / companies / firms. That is important to do. I work with multiple companies and firms throughout the year.

      • Deborah Anderson Jul 18, 2017 @ 11:26

        And, if we can focus on it being relationships, I think that will help, especially for those of us who thrive on relationships. Thank you, Alicia. -Deborah

    • Jasmine Jul 18, 2017 @ 14:59

      As long as sponsored opps are organic and blend in with your voice/content. I do quite a few but only with brands I truly like

      • Deborah Anderson Jul 18, 2017 @ 15:28

        Yes, Jasmine, I agree… to do them with the brands you like. Otherwise, it is inauthentic. Thank you.

    • Emalia Jul 27, 2017 @ 9:30

      i want to say that i do not like sponsorship because i have faced many problems so i hate it.thanks

    • Anyaogu Ikechukwu Aug 9, 2017 @ 16:29

      Blog sponsorship is also a monetization strategy. But the truth is, you must have enough traffic and audience engagement before you can get your first sponsor

    • Sunny Aug 11, 2017 @ 3:25

      Hey Deborah,
      This is really a very informative post with concise explanation. I have loved two things that you described about blog sponsorship facts – Brand awareness and relevance. Relevance is the topmost thing that most of the bloggers should understand and Brand awareness has no alternative. These are the facts that should be remembered always.

      Anyway, overall a great post with many resources. keep it up ma’am.


    • Mike Marko Aug 11, 2017 @ 9:40

      What I loved the most about reading this article is that it isn’t just rich but it also precise. Looking forward to reading more! Thanks.

    • Don Aug 14, 2017 @ 16:42

      This is some good advice and a monetization method I haven’t explored.

    • Syed Zain Aug 27, 2017 @ 23:29

      Very beautifully you define here about the blog sponsorship, Your writing skill just force me to made an comment here as an compliment. Between, I would add here some blogger main interest to join blogging is an additional source of income.

    • Praveen Aug 28, 2017 @ 21:33

      One of the finest and precise article to read today. Keep writing and posting!

    • Apollos Aug 29, 2017 @ 9:57

      You did a nice job, Deborah. Blog sponsorship hasn’t come across my mind as a way of monetization. This opportunity is perfect for a niche that doesn’t have much affiliate product to promote. I just launched my real estate blog today, and to be honest, I’ve done some research on monetization of real estate blogs. The result wasn’t encouraging. I did proceed anyway with the hope of finding something later and here you just pointed out a brilliant idea. I’m going to learn more about blog sponsorship.
      From your explanation on blog sponsorship, I like to appreciate the fact that you advise bloggers to engage in sponsorship that relates to their niche. I couldn’t agree more with you on that. There are numerous benefits for both parties if bloggers stick to this advice. For the part of the blogger, he keeps his readers” interest and the conversion rate will be high because this form of advertisement although subtle, will yield a good result.
      Thanks for inspiring this idea in me.

    • Shri Vinayak Sep 2, 2017 @ 4:11

      very informative .. thanks for sharing this with us.

    • Raman Sharma Sep 20, 2017 @ 0:54

      Its really amazing blog with very much helpful information, thank you so much for writing this great blog here for us.

    • Chenden Sep 25, 2017 @ 3:59

      Thank you for this article. Although this article is spot on, I think it is going to be more for established and somehow popular blogs. Most companies might be reluctant to take on this kind of exchange. And then there is the issue of selecting a blogger rate for the exchange. If I’m going to do this, I’ll have to set aside some time from my schedule to plan things out.

    • Shabir Apr 1, 2018 @ 11:33

      Hi Deborah,
      A very exciting post on blog sponsorship. A very new topic for me. Enjoyed every bit of it.
      ~Shabir Hussain

      • Deborah Anderson Apr 2, 2018 @ 21:58

        Thanks, Shabir! I appreciate the feedback and glad the article was helpful, especially to where you are at right now in your blogging journey.

    • Ankit bhoj Oct 3, 2020 @ 0:38

      Deborah Anderson

      nice post for small blogger i i read your some content very nice please share more content related seo i will waiting your next post.

      • Deborah Anderson Oct 3, 2020 @ 1:54

        Thank you, Ankit. I will try to write more about SEO. Taking a bit of a break for education but will be back and with a passion 🙂 -Deborah

    • hpo Nov 21, 2020 @ 1:43

      nice information about sponsorship surprising reasons

      • Deborah Anderson Nov 21, 2020 @ 2:58

        Yes, Sponsorship is a surprising and rewarding topic 😉 -Deborah

    • noman Dec 11, 2020 @ 1:13

      I like your content ideas. I love It.

      • Deborah Anderson Dec 11, 2020 @ 2:57

        Thank you, Noman. I’m glad you love it 😉 -Deborah

    • queryexpress Dec 19, 2020 @ 6:54

      This is such an informative post. You have a lot of really great points. I wish I had this post as a resource when I started blogging.

      • Deborah Anderson Dec 19, 2020 @ 7:55

        Well, I’m glad you have the info now. Hopefully, you will find a way to apply it 🙂 -Deborah

    • Ahmad Dec 21, 2020 @ 21:21

      Really nice tips for me keep it up dude

      • Deborah Anderson Dec 21, 2020 @ 22:56

        That is what we are doing, Ahmad. Thank you. -Deborah

    • sita Dec 31, 2020 @ 21:39

      Thanks for this information. I want write blog to my services but I don’t know how to write and how to start…..thank you so much for this informative post

      • Deborah Anderson Dec 31, 2020 @ 22:56

        Well, you have made a start here, by commenting, so keep up the good work, and you are sure to learn your craft, Sita. -Deborah

    • FitSkinCo Jan 6, 2021 @ 5:02

      Really nice article! I will share it to my friends

    • Junaid Ahmed Apr 6, 2021 @ 7:15

      Amazing content. Love the way you write. Found it very useful.

    • ahsan Apr 11, 2021 @ 1:01

      Hi Deborah,
      An Extremely helping and very exciting post on blog sponsorship. A very new topic for me. I Realy impress with it.
      Thanks a lot

      • Deborah Anderson Apr 11, 2021 @ 2:52

        I am glad you are impressed by it, Ahsan. I hope you find a way to apply the information. -Deborah

    • Pankaj singh Dec 8, 2021 @ 0:21

      Blog sponsorship .. Interesting topic and insights .Thank you

      • Deborah Anderson Dec 8, 2021 @ 1:56

        I’m glad you found it interesting and helpful insights, Pankaj.

    • David Strathmore Feb 22, 2022 @ 3:42

      Such an informational and helpful post it is. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this valuable piece of information with us.

      • Deborah Anderson Feb 22, 2022 @ 4:55

        You are very welcome, David. And, thank you for letting me know how valuable it is! -Deborah

    • aura abadi logistik Apr 5, 2022 @ 19:22

      great post sweetheart, i like it and i wanna say thanks you.

    • Resume Writing Services May 9, 2022 @ 21:44

      Interesting read. How do you research your ideas and how do you get you inspiration for each Blog?

      • Deborah Anderson May 9, 2022 @ 22:53

        It varies. Oftentimes, it is by reading other blogs or paying attention to social media marketing posts… -Deborah

    • Tyre Dealer May 11, 2022 @ 1:14

      Hi Deborah,
      A very exciting post on blog sponsorship. A very new topic for me. Enjoyed every bit of it.

      • Deborah Anderson May 11, 2022 @ 2:53

        I’m glad you found the post, even if it is a new topic. I hope that it is helpful in the long run, Tyre 🙂 -Deborah

    • Shantel Aug 9, 2022 @ 13:01

      Thank you for this article, I’m new to blogging and I’m a little overwhelmed so I never considered sponsors, but I like what you said about making money in my sleep or watch Netflix. That’s a sobering thought. Also, great advice about staying true to my brand so I can keep my integrity.

      • Deborah Anderson Aug 9, 2022 @ 14:52

        Shantel, I’m glad that it seems to have gotten you thinking. And, I agree with you (obviously) about the aspect of integrity. That is very important to me, as you can tell in the article. -Deborah

    • Almomed Brasil Dec 16, 2022 @ 7:46

      Thanks for sharing this content. I am applying every concept explained.

      • Deborah Anderson Dec 16, 2022 @ 8:50

        Oh, I am glad to hear that, Almomed. Would love to hear how that works out for you.
