Home Influence and Brand Mastery Social Media 4 Facebook Accounts To Follow For Good Social Media Tips and Tricks

4 Facebook Accounts To Follow For Good Social Media Tips and Tricks

According to a recent study, social media is set to explode in 2013 and demand for social media jobs is set to skyrocket. Which social network will rule the roost in the coming year and beyond? We don’t know the answer to this question, but we do know which resources keep us in the loop and keep us abreast of the many changes in this exciting and multi-faceted field.

Below we highlight and link to four Facebook resources that we highly recommend you follow as well, if social media is a topic near and dear to your heart.

4 Facebook Accounts To Follow For Good Social Media Tips and Tricks

1. Hub Spot

Although Hub Spot is a service company they have a great internet marketing blog with an equally good social media section. They are also on Facebook with a fan page that boasts an impressive 179,000 likes and close to 3,500 fans. This is a good Facebook follow if you seek good kernels and morsels of information on social media and internet marketing in general. Looking at their Facebook page (today) you will find the following: “How do Spotify, Instagram, and Zynga use effective calls-to-action to grab attention?” and “How to Engage Facebook Fans With Images”. Hub Spot is a great resource to keep up with the various social networks on the web and they also have a series of free ebooks available on social media.

2. Entrepreneur

Similar to Inc mentioned below, Entrepreneur is a magazine that launched ages ago, yet has managed to stay relevant this many years later. Aside from the immensely useful and affable magazine they run, they also have a website which is constantly updated with topics of interest to web business owners. From management to sales and finances to marketing, it’s all covered here and worthy of a spot in your bookmarks. The Entrepreneur fan page on Facebook has 177,000 likes and over 5,000 fans.

3. Amy Porterfield

Amy Porterfield is no slouch in the Facebook fan page department, she has 17,000 plus likes and over 800 fans. What I like about Amy is that she conducts regular webinars on topics relating to social media such as Facebook and Pinterest. She is very active on her fan page and engages her audience with frequent questions, quotes and good link resources. You will love Amy and her good social media tips and tricks.

4. Inc

Inc is a business magazine that has been around for quite some time, but its corresponding website is chock full of good (and recent) action oriented information on marketing topics including social media. Everyday the site is updated with concise and fun information you can apply to your business; be it a service, product or website. We would almost recommend you use the website over the magazine, but they both contain good tips. Just keep in mind, the website is, of course – going to contain more recent content. Inc is on Facebook and their fan page is a hit with over 100,000 likes and close to 3,000 fans.

What are some of your must follow Facebook accounts that deal with social media? I’m sure we missed a ton, so now is the time for you to chime in and share your personal favorites. Leave the name and link below please.

About the author: I am the news spotter for Social Web Cafe. I am usually one person, but sometimes I am a team of people. I choose to remain anonymous and hide in the shadows (just kidding). I am here to get the work done and help Deborah with Social Web Cafe 🙂

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  • Hi,,
    Awesome article on social tricks. I really enjoy this article. Keep sharing and keep helping others.
    Thanks again.

  • thanks, it’s very nice and informative article for the social media geeks. i will consider your points while doing these things

    you are superb! in writing, keep posting this type of things


  • hi deborah. im ahmad. a digital marketer. Thanks for shared really great recommend. I am always searching for that type for user profile on facebook.

  • Buzzy Tricks says:

    I follow all of the above social media pages now hoping for best results

  • Adam Jackson says:

    Wow! great article.

    You can thses 4 facebook accounts to follow good social media tips.

    Thanks to zachary for sharing this post.

  • micke says:

    Thanks for sharing this post and keep up the good work always.

  • ike madu says:

    You are indeed clever for coming up with this list. Thank you for sharing with us some tips on how to improve our social media presence. – Ike Madu

  • Hey,

    Thanks for sharing with such an important information…. I think these tips and tricks are very much impressive and surely going to help the most of the readers. I enjoyed reading your post… keep on sharing…

  • Ravi Kanani says:

    Greatfull post, i liked your post thanks yaar

  • Fred A. says:

    Great article, thank you for sharing this. It is really interesting to read!


  • Tiberiu says:

    Great article, but I think if you want to be successful with your social media in order to grow your business you should definitely check out some tools for social media that will increase your traffic.

  • Hamza Hassan says:

    This Post is very awesome
    Got a lot of useful information from this post

  • Thanks, Deborah it’s wonderful and informative article for the social media geeks. I will consider your points while doing these things you are superb! In writing, keep posting this type of things.

  • Thanks for this great review of the best Facebook Accounts to follow! We personally like ‘Entreprenuer’; as its community of budding entreprenuers also provide great comments and content.

  • sumedh says:

    Hi Deborah Anderson,

    Thanks for sharing this amazing article and i loved it. I love the way you have written this article. I will visit here again for some fresh article and must recommend this site to my friends.

  • Michael says:

    Nice article on Social Media Tips and Tricks, Please keep sharing more such article.

  • Great article, thanks for sharing. Hub Spot is a great site, and writing for Hub Pages is an excellent way to get your content (And Blog URL) in front of the masses with over 11 Million Visitors. There’s also Medium and Shout Me Loud from where I receive a lot of engagement by leveraging Back Links.

  • Shabir says:

    Social Media tips & tricks are very crucial to learn because social media plays a vital role in internet marketing.

    Thanks for letting us know the pages to follow.

    • MUKESH MAJUMDER May 22, 2017 @ 5:09

      Awesome article on social tricks. I really enjoy this article. Keep sharing and keep helping others.
      Thanks again.

    • Abhishek Kumar May 29, 2017 @ 0:34

      thanks, it’s very nice and informative article for the social media geeks. i will consider your points while doing these things

      you are superb! in writing, keep posting this type of things


    • ????? ????????? ???????? May 29, 2017 @ 1:27

      hi deborah. im ahmad. a digital marketer. Thanks for shared really great recommend. I am always searching for that type for user profile on facebook.

    • Buzzy Tricks May 30, 2017 @ 0:17

      I follow all of the above social media pages now hoping for best results

    • Adam Jackson Jun 7, 2017 @ 21:09

      Wow! great article.

      You can thses 4 facebook accounts to follow good social media tips.

      Thanks to zachary for sharing this post.

    • micke Jun 8, 2017 @ 11:04

      Thanks for sharing this post and keep up the good work always.

    • ike madu Jun 19, 2017 @ 1:32

      You are indeed clever for coming up with this list. Thank you for sharing with us some tips on how to improve our social media presence. – Ike Madu

    • Morris Edwards Jun 21, 2017 @ 5:19


      Thanks for sharing with such an important information…. I think these tips and tricks are very much impressive and surely going to help the most of the readers. I enjoyed reading your post… keep on sharing…

    • Ravi Kanani Jun 24, 2017 @ 2:26

      Greatfull post, i liked your post thanks yaar

    • Fred A. Jul 5, 2017 @ 6:11

      Great article, thank you for sharing this. It is really interesting to read!


    • Tiberiu Jul 5, 2017 @ 11:20

      Great article, but I think if you want to be successful with your social media in order to grow your business you should definitely check out some tools for social media that will increase your traffic.

    • Hamza Hassan Jul 17, 2017 @ 4:04

      This Post is very awesome
      Got a lot of useful information from this post

    • Mansoor Bhanpurawala Jul 18, 2017 @ 7:43

      Thanks, Deborah it’s wonderful and informative article for the social media geeks. I will consider your points while doing these things you are superb! In writing, keep posting this type of things.

    • Unrivaled Review Jul 19, 2017 @ 3:31

      Thanks for this great review of the best Facebook Accounts to follow! We personally like ‘Entreprenuer’; as its community of budding entreprenuers also provide great comments and content.

    • sumedh Jul 19, 2017 @ 11:49

      Hi Deborah Anderson,

      Thanks for sharing this amazing article and i loved it. I love the way you have written this article. I will visit here again for some fresh article and must recommend this site to my friends.

    • Michael Jul 24, 2017 @ 21:59

      Nice article on Social Media Tips and Tricks, Please keep sharing more such article.

    • Deon Christie Sep 23, 2017 @ 4:54

      Great article, thanks for sharing. Hub Spot is a great site, and writing for Hub Pages is an excellent way to get your content (And Blog URL) in front of the masses with over 11 Million Visitors. There’s also Medium and Shout Me Loud from where I receive a lot of engagement by leveraging Back Links.

    • Shabir Jun 17, 2018 @ 13:43

      Social Media tips & tricks are very crucial to learn because social media plays a vital role in internet marketing.

      Thanks for letting us know the pages to follow.
